18th Annual Doubles and Singles Tournament
$1000 Guaranteed Total Prize Fund
Saturday August 10 and Sunday August 11, 2024
Entries close July 20, 2024
The Gold Coast Bowling Center, Las Vegas, NV
Click here for discounted Gold Coast room rates
Entry Fee Per Player:
Singles and Doubles $60
Optional All events $10
Total per player $70
!!! Two Ways to Enter !!!
Prize Fee $14.00
Expenses $4.00
Bowling $12.00
Total $30.00
Enter Online with Zelle
Enter by Mail with Check
Tournament Rules
This Tournament will be held in strict compliance with the Rules of the USBC, Inc.
1. This will be a certified Doubles and Singles handicap tournament based on 100% of 220.
2. To be eligible to participate in this tournament, you must be a member of the National Women’s 500 Club, Inc. and hold a current adult USBC membership.
3. You must present your National Women’s 500 Club membership card at time of check-in.
4. Bowlers must enter both events. A bowler may enter the doubles event twice with a different partner. The highest score bowled goes towards all events.
5. Bowlers will bowl three (3) games on a single pair of lanes per event.
6. If there is a tie for first place, the club may declare co-champions with first and second place money divided equally between the two and duplicate awards.
7. Prize fund for each event returned 100%. The prize ratio is 1 in 5.
8. Entering Average is based on the following:
a. Highest sanctioned league year end average based on 21 games or more in the 2023-2024 winter season posted on Bowl.com. If you do not have a 2024 winter season average, see Rule 8.b.
b. Highest 2024 summer league average based on 21 games or more. You must provide a league standing sheet to verify your entering average.
c. All others will be assigned an entering average of 220.
d. All substitutes must abide by the entering average rules above.
9. Check in time will be one (1) hour before the scheduled start time. It is not necessary for doubles partners to check in together.
10. Bowlers will be allowed two balls on each lane or ten (10) minutes of practice, depending on the bowling center’s scoring system. No re-racks will be allowed. The lanes will be oiled ONLY prior to the 10:00 a.m. squad on Saturday and the noon squad on Sunday.
11. Any bowler who arrives after the scheduled squad time has started, will be permitted to bowl and score to count beginning with the frame being bowled. No score will be given for frames missed.
12. Substitutes:
a. Allow one (1) hour notification time to the tournament office when making a bowler substitution. The tournament office is not responsible for providing substitutes.
b. Once a substitute comes in and tournament play begins, she will remain as a regular for the event.
13. USBC Rules 319-A (2), 319-B, C, D & E shall not apply to this tournament. Rules 319-A (3 & 4) shall apply.
14. Any protests on scoring errors must be made in writing within 24 hours to a tournament official. As per Rule 329, any protests and appeals must be in writing, stating the grounds for the protest or appeal. A protest involving eligibility or playing rules must be filed with tournament management within 72 hours of the infraction or prior to the tournament prizes being paid, whichever occurs first. The decision of tournament management will be final unless a written appeal is filed with USBC Headquarters within the time limits in Rule 329.
15. Any bowler whose name appears on the entry form or their authorized replacement, hereby agrees that the NATIONAL WOMEN’S 500 CLUB, INC., its officers and directors shall be liable ONLY to the extent of returning entry fees if and when the bowler is prevented from participating in any event of the tournament through premature termination of the tournament, which may be brought on by war, national emergency or emergencies related or resulting from fires, strikes, lockouts, labor difficulties or causes beyond the control of the NATIONAL WOMEN’S 500 CLUB, INC.
16. Any questions not covered by the rules will be decided by the National Women’s 500 Cub, Inc., Tournament Rules Committee as appointed by the board of directors.
17. Once entry fees are paid, written confirmation of squad dates and times will be provided to all bowlers providing a valid email address was submitted on the entry form.